Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Is Disinfection Tablet good for your air conditioner drain system?

Disinfection Tablet for air conditioner - drain system - air con cleaning hong kong 

A lot of time we found the air con drain system leaks because of dust/jelly stuck inside the pipe. We have did a test by putting disinfection tablet in water for 10 days and compare it with a normal one. 

The result turn out the as below: 

- The disinfection tablet keep the water clean 
- The normal water become a bit yellow after 10 days

In this testing, we found out the disinfection tablet is very useful to your air con system if you have long water pipe or turn on your air con all the time. 

Please check the youtube channel as below:

If you have question about your air con, feel free to contact us by whatsapp or email. cheers