Thursday, February 24, 2022

environmental friendly air con conditioner - freon & power level

There are two ways to find out is the air con environmental friendly or not. 

1: compare the power(electricity bill) it use while we switch on the air con, 

While we select the air con it have a label tell use what is the energy level of this machine use. 
it is provided by EMSD, it compare with the same size (same horsepower) machine. 
There are Grade 1, Grade 2, Grade 3, Grade 4 and Grade 5. 
Grade 1 it mean the efficiency of the machine is good( you get how much you paid) 
For Grade 5, it mean the machine need to use a lot of power to operate it. (you need to paid a lot of get the amount of cool air con you want. ) 

2: compare the freon it use 

For the freon 32, it is the newest air con freon and it label it is more environmental friendly compare with R22 & R410. And it is more flammable, that why there are some training course provide by the air con company. 

*air con service hong kong, air con cleaning sai kung, clear water bay air con service, air con leaks, air con not working